Friday, January 26, 2007

Matson Jones.

I could never choose a "favorite band", but if I were forced to.. Matson Jones would be the first that came to mind.

What makes Matson Jones so neat ?
Since discovering Matson Jones about two years ago, I've looked in lots of places to find music that was similar. I can't find anything that even comes close. Sure, there are others that do the cello thing beautifully, such as Bonfire Madigan, but it's not the same. Matson Jones has this.. chaotic calm that I haven't found anywhere else.

It's so easy to overshadow good music with over-the-top vocals, and vice versa. There's a particular off balance of the chaos caused by the instruments that fits perfectly with the lo-fi vocals. It makes me happy. I really can't express what listening to them does to me. My brain goes all goofy.

The lyrics to most of their songs are fairly simple and kind of repetitive, but really well written. As you'll learn, I'm really big on lyrics. It's easy to be distracted by the music and not pay attention to the lyrics (especially with music like this), but no matter how good your music sounds, what is said in a song, and how it's said, can make or break you. At least in my book.

Matson Jones - Sympathy

- Kyla.

Music Blogger #438,344,993

I realize that there is an overwhelming amount of other music bloggers on this thing we call the web, but I wanted my own.

Q. But, Kyla ! With such a saturated field, what if no one ever reads your totally awesome music blog ?

A. It's their loss. A part of me really just wants this blog to keep track of music that I love/hate/find interesting. I love music and I love discovering new music, but mostly, I love sharing music. Unfortunately, most of my friends and I don't share very common musical interests, so I don't have very many people to share all of this gloriousness with.

Q. What makes your taste in music so superior to everyone else's ?

Pretty much everything.

- Kyla.